Learn Estonian

Last updated: June 2024

Estonian, a unique and fascinating language with deep roots, offers an enriching experience for learners worldwide. Whether you have Estonian heritage, a passion for languages, or a desire to connect with the vibrant culture of Estonia, learning Estonian abroad opens up a world of opportunities. On this page, we will highlight some key resources to help you on your language journey.

Ways to Learn Estonian

Learn Estonian independently with the help of e-Courses, apps, books, videos, and other support materials.

Connect with one of our Estonian teachers in Australia for virtual or in-person lessons, one-on-one or in a group class.

Discover opportunities to learn and practice Estonian in Estonia, through courses, summer camps, and language cafés.

Getting Started

Before launching into language studies, think about how much time you’re willing and able to dedicate to it and what you hope to achieve. Consider your current language proficiency and take a free language test (in Estonian) to get an idea as to where you’re at. From here, make most of the numerous opportunities available to you, like apps, tutoring, social groups, and even sponsored trips to Estonia.

Independent Learning

Browse through the variety of free and paid e-Courses, apps, and other resources available to you to learn and practice Estonian. If we’re missing something, let us know: media@eesti.org.au

Website: yleilmakool.ee

This fully online school brings together learners from across the world. It uses learning materials and teachers from Estonian schools, so students of Üleilmakool (The Global School) will get an education that equals that offered in Estonian schools.

Website: keeleklikk.ee


Estonian e-courses “Keeleklikk” (beginners, A2) and “Keeletee” (intermediate, B1).

The free, self-paced, online courses include animations, grammar videos, and practical exercises.

Website: Google Play


University of Tartu launched SayEst, the first mobile app to learn Estonian pronunciation.

The app runs on Android, is free of charge and can be used regardless of the learner’s mother tongue.

Website: speakly.me

Free Trial / Paid (Subscription or Lifetime)

Speakly is a language learning platform that can be used on the computer and smartphone. Learn words, then write and speak, then repeat what you know.

Website: lingvist.com

Paid (Subscription)

Learn the words that you really need, and improve your vocabulary in as little as 10 minutes per day.

Try Lingvist for free and download via Google Play or Apple App Store.The free, self-paced, online courses include animations, grammar videos, and practical exercises.

Website: tahela.com

Free / Paid (Tutoring)

Tahela is your one-stop shop for all your Estonian language needs, from lessons to translation and more.

For free online, play language games, try flashcards, and watch Tahela’s fantastic YouTube playlist.

Website: alpakids.com

Limited Free / Paid (Subscription)

ALPA Kids develops native digital learning games that help children all over the world connect with their roots. 

You can download the ALPA Kids app for your children  from Google Play  or  the App Store.

Website: kideocall.com

Paid (Sessions)

Raising kids abroad? Struggle to maintain or develop Estonian? Let your kids learn and practice while playing with native-speakers!

KideoCall is focusing on preschoolers with Estonian roots, to develop their Estonian language and introduce Estonian culture.

Website: sonaveeb.ee


Sõnaveeb is the language portal of the Estonian Language Institute. The dictionary contains a total of 320,000 keywords.

Choose between the more comprehensive information (Sõnaveeb) or simpler version (Language Learner Sõnaeveb).

History and Characteristics of the Estonian Language – PDF e-book

Estonian Teachers in Australia

Click through the Estonian language locations below. If you wish to begin learning or teaching Estonian, please contact Iti Connor, the Coordinator of Estonian Language Studies of the Council of Estonian Societies in Australia at eestikeel@eesti.org.au

Anneli Lill


🇪🇪 Eesti keele virtuaaltunnid

🇦🇺 Estonian language online tutoring

Eva Õim


🇪🇪 Eesti keele virtuaaltunnid täiskasvanutele ja lastele

🇦🇺 Estonian language virtual lessons for adults and children

Eve McKinnon


🇪🇪 Eesti keele virtuaalklassid

🇦🇺 Estonian language online classes

Kirsti Horst


🇪🇪 Eesti keele tunnid Sydney Eesti Majas ja virtuaalklassid

🇦🇺 Estonian language classes at Sydney Estonian House and virtual classes

Maris Saar


🇪🇪 Eesti keele tunnid Sydney Eesti Majas ja virtuaalklassid

🇦🇺 Estonian language classes at Sydney Estonian House and virtual classes

Maarja Kamar


🇪🇪 Melbourne’i Eesti Laste Mängugrupp kohtub kaks korda kuus Melbourne’i Eesti Majas

🇦🇺 Estonian children’s playgroup in Melbourne meets twice a month at the Melbourne Estonian House.

Elen Ellervee


🇪🇪 Sydney Mudilasring kohtub Sydney Eesti Majas ja korraldab ühiseid väljasõite. Elen juhib ka Newcastle’i laste mudilasring ehk Newy ESTlaste mängutuba kohtub kord kuus.

🇦🇺 Estonian Sydney Mudilasring meets at the Sydney Estonian House and organises group outings. Elen also hosts monthly meetups at Estonian Children’s Playgroup in Newcastle.

Kirsti Horst


🇪🇪 Eesti keele tunnid Sydney Eesti Majas ja virtuaalklassid

🇦🇺 Estonian language classes at Sydney Estonian House and virtual classes

Maris Saar


🇪🇪 Eesti keele tunnid Sydney Eesti Majas ja virtuaalklassid

🇦🇺 Estonian language classes at Sydney Estonian House and virtual classes

Marin Hicks


🇪🇪 Eesti laste mängugrupp Lääne-Austraalias kohtub igal reedel

🇦🇺 Estonian children’s playgroup in Western-Australia meets every Friday

Anneli Lill


🇪🇪 Eesti keele virtuaaltunnid

🇦🇺 Estonian language online tutoring

Eve McKinnon


🇪🇪 Eesti keele virtuaalklassid

🇦🇺 Estonian language online classes

Eva Õim


🇪🇪 Eesti keele virtuaaltunnid täiskasvanutele ja lastele

🇦🇺 Estonian language virtual lessons for adults and children

Elina Peedoson


🇪🇪 Gold Coasti Eesti Laste Mängutuba kohtub üle nädala pühapäeviti ja korraldab ühiseid väljasõite. Rohkem infot www.eestilapsed.com.au

🇦🇺 Estonian children’s playgroup at Gold Coast meets every other week on Sundays and organises group outings. For more information, visit www.eestilapsed.com.au

Iti Connor


🇪🇪 Eesti keele ja kultuuriprogramm lastele Brisbane’i Eesti Mängutoas toimub kaks korda kuus neljapäeviti ja kaks korda kuus pühapäeviti. Brisbane’i Eesti Laste Raamatukogu, raamatukogu kasutajaks registreerimine ja lisateave – bemraamatukogu@gmail.com

🇦🇺 The Estonian language and culture program at Brisbane Estonian Playgroup runs twice a month on Thursdays and twice a month on Sundays. Additionally, there is an Estonian Children’s Library operating in Brisbane. For registration as a library user and further information, please contact bemraamatukogu@gmail.com

Tiiu Rääbus


🇪🇪 Info eesti keele õppimise kohta Tasmaanias

🇦🇺 Estonian language exposure options in Tasmania

Learn in Estonia

Numerous scholarships are available to study Estonian in Estonia. Annually, look out for Summer Camps, language courses, and more. Details of opportunities can be found on Global Estonian. You can also reach out to diasporaa@mfa.ee to discuss further details.

Get more language support

Website: eesti.org.au/aesl

Estonian Language initiatives in Australia are supported by the Council of Estonian Societies in Australia (AESL). Contact the language coordinator for further information.

Website: integratsioon.ee/noustamine

The Integration Foundation offers counselling to adults who want to learn Estonian free of charge and helps to choose the most suitable opportunities for language learning.

Website: keeleabi.eki.ee

Contact the Estonian Language Institute for free language advice, including advice related to spelling, punctuation, form, word formation, word meanings, and wording. See also FAQs.

Estonian Language initiatives in Australia are supported by the Council of Estonian Societies in Australia (AESL). Contact the language coordinator Iti Connor for further information.