History and Research

Research study on travel to Estonia

Tere! I am a Geography Honours student at the University of Sydney currently researching people travelling between Australia and Estonia. This project attempts to document the motivations and experiences of Estonian migrants to Australia, and their descendants, making trips to Estonia.

I am looking for interested persons to complete a brief 10-15 minute survey. This survey is open to any person born in Estonia, or of Estonian ancestry, who has ever lived in Australia. If you have never visited Estonia, you may still complete the survey.

All survey responses will be treated anonymously and with respect. If you wish to complete a survey, please visit the website or, alternatively, contact me at the address below and I can post a survey form to you. There are also survey forms and a survey box located at Estonia House if that is more convenient for you.

Please contact me if you have any questions. This research is being undertaken with the support of the Estonian Archives in Australia.

Brad Ruting
School of Geosciences, The University of Sydney.
Post: Madsen Building F09, The University of Sydney NSW 2006
Phone: 0405 668 765.

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