AEMP General News

Help name the new communications platform for the Australian Estonian Media Project

Tere readers! A reminder that the Australian Estonian Media Project (AEMP) needs your help to name our new online communications platform that meets the needs of our diverse Estonian community here in Australia.

The new name will help determine the look and feel of the brand, and is intended to be perpetual, so please consider this and write down your associations (for example, typefaces/colours/icons/symbols) with the name.

Me otsime nime, mis on / We are looking for a name that is:

  • Eelistatult eestikeelne ja tõlgitav / Preferably Estonian and translatable to English
  • Kergesti hääldatav / Easily pronounceable
  • Ei põhine lühenditel / Not reliant on an acronym
  • Seotud AEMP digitaalse platvormi eesmärkidega / Related to the AEMP’s digital communication goals
  • Peegeldab Eesti kogukonda ja pärandit Austraalias / Reflects our Estonian community and heritage in Australia
Submissions will close at MidnignT (AEST) on
WeDNEsday, 6th NovemBER

NB! You can submit multiple name ideas.

Have your say in naming what is a digital campfire for all Australian Estonians, around which we can gather and share our stories.

Help name this website that you are reading now and contribute to its future look and feel.

We look forward to hearing from you!

Your Australian Estonian Media Team

Link to our previous post on this and more detail.

Credits: This post has been written by Mark Narustrang and Kristi Barrow.