Me vajame teie abi / We need you!
The Australian Estonian Media Project (AEMP) needs your help! As part of our goal to create a new communications platform that meets the needs of our diverse Estonian community here in Australia, we need a new name that represents our community, made for us by us. The winning name will be selected by the AEMP steering committee. This name will help determine the look and feel of the brand, so please consider this and write down your associations (for example, typefaces / colours / icons / symbols) with the name.
Me otsime nime, mis on / We are looking for a name that is:
- Eelistatult eestikeelne ja tõlgitav / Preferably Estonian and translatable to English
- Kergesti hääldatav / Easily pronounceable
- Ei põhine lühenditel / Not reliant on an acronym
- Seotud AEMP digitaalse platvormi eesmärkidega / Related to the AEMP’s digital communication goals
- Peegeldab Eesti kogukonda ja pärandit Austraalias / Reflects our Estonian community and heritage in Australia
Submissions will close at MidnignT (AEST) on
WeDNEsday, 6th NovemBER
NB: You can submit multiple times, however we encourage quality over quantity
Aga oota – mis on Austraalia Eesti Meedia Projekt? /
But wait – what is the Australian Estonian Media Project?
Late last year, the founder of – Kristi Barrow – initiated this project to understand the needs and wants of our community. After conducting a national survey and workshop, the conclusion was that Estonian Australians want a one-stop-shop where they can get accurate and timely relevant information.
Australia’s large size and dispersed population have historically made it difficult to maintain strong connections among Estonians, a challenge dating back to post-WWII migration. The print newspaper Meie Kodu helped unite the Estonian community living in Australia until its closure in 2019, which left a notable communication gap. While Facebook sites and community websites have kept some connections alive, the information available is somewhat fragmented and there are challenges in accessing reliable information. Additionally, the diverse information needs of newer Estonian migrants and third-generation Australians have further complicated communication. To address this, a consensus was reached to create a unified media platform to share news, events, and resources, to connect the Estonian communities in Australia.
Essentially, a digital campfire around which we can gather and share our stories.
As such, we aim to launch a new branded website to meet that demand.
We look forward to hearing from you!
– The Australian Estonian Media Team
Want more information or have any questions?
- Follow the AEMP Facebook page for brief project updates
- See AEMP’s 2023 media survey and workshop results that kick-started the project
- Read our Interview with Global Estonian
- Write to us at: