General News

Estonian National Archives: Mr Peep Pillak

On Saturday, April 12 at 16.00 at the Estonian Church Hall, 11 Waratah St., North Strathfield, Mr Peep Pillak, a Consultant to the Estonian National Archives, will talk about his experiences when looking in Russia for the graves of the Estonian President Päts and the leader of Estonian armed forces, general Laidoner. All welcome! Please bring something for the coffee table.

Laupäeval, 12. aprillil kell 16.00 kirikusaalis, 11 Waratah St, North Strathfield, Eesti Riigiarhiivi nõunik Peep Pillak räägib oma kogemustest president Pätsi ja kindral Laidoneri haudade otsimisel Venemaal. Kõik teretulnud! Palutakse kaasa tuua midagi kohvilauale.

Metsaülikooli Austraalias

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